Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year from Gee's Garage.

Happy new year you guys, to those who has been visiting this sit for the last 10 months and found this site dead: I'm sorry! I decided to take a year's break away from Hot Wheels collecting and customizing since I lack time due to commitments. Also, I felt that I was a bit burned out on ideas and the 2010 line of cars weren't really exciting to me. I guess that happens when I don't pace yourself in collecting, and see too much of the cars.

Anyway, this year I hope to be able to bring more customizations and share more of my collections here. I have a new column in the works as well, I'll trial it out and see how it goes from there.

I have been shopping the past few days and got myself up to speed with the latest cars and got those that I missed out last year. A lot of places are having sales for these basic cars over here in Australia, with Big W selling AU$1 for one basic car (this equates to RM3.15) and Crazy Clark selling AU$1.60 per basic car (equivalent to RM5). So I got a couple for collection and another few to be ripped apart later for customizations.

That's all from me for now. Happy new years to everyone, and especially those who still visits!



danielh said...

Happy New Year To You elgee!!!
hope that you will show your customizing car again.haha,,,

all the best wishes from danielh!

Eugene T. said...

Thanks danielh! I won't be doing customs this month and next month yet, but hopefully I'll be able to start again after that if things go well.

Happy new year to you and best wishes!

diwong said...

wah so cheap! damn...must ask my cous to buy me some! ^ ^ hey happy new year to u too... wah the ferrari italia! huhu...

Eugene T. said...

yeah i dont know if the promotion is still on though, hope you get some and i havent forgotten about your customs! : )