Sunday, November 23, 2008

Spotted: Hot Wheels Hot Bird Wave


The Hot Bird wave has finally arrived. Managed to grab this from a local TRU and a similiar wave was spotted at another TRU. Others have spotted them in Giant outlets too.

However, the cars in this wave that is new is only the Hot Bird T-Hunt. Other cars included in this wave are those we have seen before: Tooned Enzo (Black), Lotus Esprit, Nissan Skyline (Gold), Nissan Z (Silver), etc.

So for the 2008 line up, Malaysia still has Rockster, 16 Angels, Qombee, Camaro, and Drift King waves to go. There are 12 T-Hunts in a year, supposedly one wave and T-Hunt for each month. We have one month to go and 5 more waves left to collect.

Well done, Mattel. Well done.


Anonymous said...

There is a new wave in Vietnam too. This wave included TH Dodge Challenger Funny Car and TH Mustang.. :)

Eugene T. said...

haha wow thats good news Tom :-)

looks like we have swapped waves ;-)